Friday, April 9, 2021

418 I am Teapot Book Spotlight & Book Tour Giveaway

Today, I have a dystopian science fiction novel in our book spotlight!  Check out 418 I am Teapot, learn about the author & enter for a chance to win a prize in the book tour giveaway at the end of this post.


Dystopian Science Fiction

Date Published: March 23, 2021

Publisher: Saevitia Publications

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About the Book


418: I Am a Teapot is a near-future dystopian science fiction novel that explores a world where people by choice, birth, or punishment, relinquish the rights to their physical body. Their brains exist in a constantly-connected virtual interface where they enjoy a fantasy world of endless indulgences. However, while their minds have fun, their bodies are controlled by implants doing the filthiest and most dangerous jobs known to humanity.

Stripped of their identities, these dredges of society are simply called staff and they are disposable. But what happens when a staff becomes cognizant of its situation and tries to break free?

When staff number 418’s physical body is broken, he must come to terms with reality, and defend himself in a trial for his life. Will an unlikely friendship save him from permanent retirement?


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About the Author


Edgar Scott was born in Houston and grew up in Canada. The last of three boys born to a brilliant Leukemia specialist and a manic-depressive mother, Edgar’s childhood was not normal. Through trial and error, Edgar turned his family situation into an opportunity to become the best version of himself. He struggled in the classroom but thrived on the field. His love for baseball and hard training got him a spot in numerous all-star teams, playing under assumed names in the US. It got Edgar through high school until he tore his shoulder. The journey of author Edgar Scott is one of success despite adversity.

Connect with the Author




Twitter: @EScott_Writes



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